Monday, November 19, 2018

The ClamAV 0.101.0 release candidate is here!

We have also made significant improvements to our User Manual (the user manual will be moved to soon) and to the inline Doxygen documentation in clamav.h for libclamav users. Please take a peek, and consider submitting your own recommendations via GitHub pull-request. In particular, we'd love to expand the Usage section with details on how to integrate ClamAV with other software. Your input would be greatly appreciated.

A short summary of the improvements found in 0.101:

  • Changes to the libclamav API:
    • Those who build applications around our shared library will need to change how they declare and pass scanning options to libclamav. Please take a look at the change to our example code for details. 
    • Scanning functions now have a filename argument. The argument is optional, but improves the efficiency when parsing certain types that require a file on disk to open and read, and will allow for additional improvements in the future.
    • Many of the scanning option #defines have changed. These can be found in our clamav.h header.
    • The libclamav version number has changed.
  • Some of the clamd config and clamscan command line option names have changed. The original versions will still work for a time, but eventually they will be deprecated. These options in question are detailed in the NEWS document.
  • A new sub-signature type called "Byte Compare". Byte Compare sub-signatures can be used to evaluate a numeric value at a given offset from the start of another (matched) sub-signature within the same logical signature. That numerical value may be interpreted from signed ascii decimal, unsigned ascii hex, or unsigned binary data relative to a match offset. For details, see the signature writing documentation.
  • Changes to our documentation. Documentation is now in Markdown and should be easier to navigate and easier to contribute to.
  • Support for extraction/scanning of RAR v5.x archives.

For additional details on changes in 0.101, please read the notes in our NEWS document.

Thank you in advance for test-driving the ClamAV 0.101 release candidate! Bugs should be brought to our attention via the clamav-devel mailing list or via bugzilla.