We are no longer calling the product "ClamAV for Windows 3.0", we are now referring to the product as "Immunet 3.0".
New Features:
- Offline Protection -- This is the ClamAV portion, allowing you to stay protected even while not connected to the Immunet cloud.
- Cloud Recall -- Even if the file that Immunet scanned today is "clean", and tomorrow it's discovered the file is bad, Immunet will still get it.
- Custom Signature Generation -- This gives advanced users the ability to create your own anti-virus signatures for new emerging threats. With the Immunet 3.0 release, we are the only Windows based anti-virus product to allow you to do this.
This is a great release, building in a lot of features and combining the power of ClamAV with the power of the cloud of Immunet is quite an achievement.
Check out the blog post from Al Huger over on the Immunet blog for further information. I'll put a formal announcement up tomorrow.