Friday, December 17, 2021

ClamAV Bugzilla new ticket creation will redirect to GitHub Issues

In early 2021, we made a decision to switch to using GitHub directly. Before then, our primary Git repository was sequestered to the Cisco corporate network. The public GitHub repository was just a mirror. That made it tougher for us to connect to and work with contributors from the ClamAV community. Our daily routines drew our attention away from GitHub.

At the same time, we also settled on a plan for how we could test using GitHub Issues for ClamAV bug reports. Initially, this would supplement our aging Bugzilla server. While Bugzilla requires users to make an account on our server, enabling GitHub Issues would open up bug reporting to the wider GitHub community that already has an account.

Since enabling GitHub Issues at the start of June, we have found that using GitHub Issues has been a very positive experience. At this point, most of our reports come in through GitHub Issues. With the aid of issue templates, the quality of bug reports coming through GitHub Issues has also been of a higher caliber than those coming through Bugzilla. With users following guidance in the template, the bug reports are generally easier to triage and respond to intelligently. 

All that being said, we will disable Bugzilla ticket creation so we can focus all new bug reports towards GitHub Issues. Effective immediately, the new ticket creation form on will redirect users to the new issue creation page on our primary ClamAV repository on

Existing open tickets on Bugzilla will remain open for now, and the Bugzilla server is expected to remain available through 2022 as we complete this transition. 

If you have an open ticket on Bugzilla and would like to help migrate it to GitHub Issues, we would appreciate the help. If you choose to migrate any tickets from Bugzilla to GitHub Issues, please add references in each ticket and close the original Bugzilla ticket(s) to assist our team with the ticket queue maintenance.

Thank you!


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Reminder: ClamAV 0.102, 0.101 End of Life is Jan 3, 2022

As a reminder, the ClamAV 0.102 and 0.101 releases will reach its end of life (EOL) in less than one month's time on Jan. 3, 2022. After this date, ClamAV 0.102, and 0.101 and all patch versions will be blocked from downloading new signatures from 

For information about the EOL policy, visit the ClamAV online documentation.