Tuesday, July 29, 2014

ClamAV 0.96 Engine End of Life Announcement

ClamAV Community,

This notice is to inform you that effective immediately ClamAV 0.96 (and all minor versions) is no longer supported in accordance with ClamAV's EOL policy which can be found here:


While the current CVD's being distributed will still work on ClamAV 0.96, we are enabling the functionality to actually make those versions no longer be able to update.  There is detection that we have written that cannot be shipped to the 0.96 branch.

Thank you for using ClamAV!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Compiling OpenSSL For Windows


In order to support more advanced features planned in future releases, ClamAV has switched to using OpenSSL for hashing. The ClamAV Visual Studio project included with ClamAV's source code requires the OpenSSL distributables to be placed in a specific directory. This article will teach you how to compile OpenSSL on a Microsoft Windows system and how to link ClamAV against OpenSSL.

This blog article is based on another article.


You will need ActiveState ActivePerl installed. OpenSSL uses Perl-based Makefiles. You will also need Visual Studio 2010 or later.

Download OpenSSL

You can find OpenSSL's source here. Download the latest version. When this article was first authored, the latest version of OpenSSL was 1.0.1h. This article will reference that version throughout.

We will be using separate build and installation directories for 32bit and 64bit compilations. We'll extract the source code twice, to C:\openssl-src-32 and C:\openss-src-64. We'll then create two directories to hold the OpenSSL installation: C:\openssl-build-32 and C:\openssl-build-64.

Compiling OpenSSL

We will first build the 32bit libraries. You will need to open a Visual Studio 32bit command prompt. Please note that you cannot build OpenSSL 64bit from a 32bit Visual Studio command prompt and vice-versa.

We'll run these commands in the command prompt:
  1. C:
  2. cd \openssl-src-32
  3. perl Configure VC-WIN32 --prefix=C:\openssl-build-32
  4. ms\do_ms
  5. nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
  6. nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak install
Once those commands have run, you'll need to create the 64bit OpenSSL distributables in a Visual Studio x64 comamnd prompt:
  1. C:
  2. cd \openssl-src-64
  3. perl Configure VC-WIN64A --prefix=C:\openssl-build-64
  4. ms\do_win64a
  5. nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
  6. nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak install
You now have both the 32bit and 64bit builds of OpenSSL compiled and installed in their respective build directories.

ClamAV Dependencies Directory

Now that you have distributables for both 32bit and 64bit, we'll now need to create the directories where the ClamAV Visual Studio project expects the OpenSSL dependencies to be.

Create these directories:
  1. C:\clamdeps
  2. C:\clamdeps\win32
  3. C:\clamdeps\win32\openssl
  4. C:\clamdeps\win32\openssl\lib
  5. C:\clamdeps\win64
  6. C:\clamdeps\win64\openssl
  7. C:\clamdeps\win64\openssl\lib

Copy the 32bit directories and files over:
  1. C:\openssl-build-32\include to C:\clamdeps\win32\openssl
  2. C:\openssl-build-32\lib\libeay32.lib to C:\clamdeps\win32\openssl\lib
  3. C:\openssl-build-32\lib\ssleay32.lib to C:\clamdeps\win32\openssl\lib
  4. C:\openssl-build-32\bin\libeay32.dll to C:\clamdeps\win32\openssl\lib
  5. C:\openssl-build-32\bin\ssleay32.dll to C:\clamdeps\win32\openssl\lib
Now copy the 64bit directories and files over:
  • C:\openssl-build-64\include to C:\clamdeps\win64\openssl
  • C:\openssl-build-64\lib\libeay32.lib to C:\clamdeps\win64\openssl\lib
  • C:\openssl-build-64\lib\ssleay32.lib to C:\clamdeps\win64\openssl\lib
  • C:\openssl-build-64\bin\libeay32.dll to C:\clamdeps\win64\openssl\lib
  • C:\openssl-build-64\bin\ssleay32.dll to C:\clamdeps\win64\openssl\lib


We've now built the OpenSSL libraries that ClamAV now depends on. ClamAV requires them to be in C:\clamdeps\win{32,64}\openssl.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

ClamAV 0.98.5 beta has been posted!

The ClamAV team is proud to announce the availability of ClamAV 0.98.5 beta ready for testing!


Welcome to ClamAV 0.98.5 beta! ClamAV 0.98.5 will include important new features for collecting and analyzing file properties. Software developers and analysts may collect file properties using the ClamAV API and then analyze them with ClamAV bytecode programs. Using the new features will require that libjson-c is installed.

Look for our upcoming series of blog posts to learn more about using the ClamAV API and bytecode facilities for collecting and analyzing file properties.

The release can be downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/clamav/files/beta/.  Please download, test and provide any feedback via the mailing lists.

The ClamAV team (http://www.clamav.net/team)